Lost City of Gold

Lost City of Gold #

aka LCoG

Our guild’s goal is to score as high as possible in events. LCoG is straight forward, you only need to send your troops all the time. The score is how much gold you brought back from fights.

Event preparation:

  • Stockpile crafting ingredients before the event is announced/starts. Prices on the market skyrocket once the event starts

How to:

  1. Do NOT run regular quests, neither bosses. Send everybody to the city to farm gold.
  2. Run the highest level you can
  3. The more people you send at once, the higher the gold drop. Example: 5 people on level 4 will drop more gold than 4 people on Lvl 4.
  4. Only use loot horns on Sia, it’s their most effective use. See image above
  5. Use other boosters as you like
  6. A boss becomes available after you complete N runs. When a boss quest is complete, claim it first, so subsequent quests count towards next boss (see below)
  7. A boss of equal level drops more gold than a regular run. If you have a full team, send it to the boss, rather than beating the boss with fewer people.

Time management is very important, makes up 70% of the event. Set up a timer to perfectly manage your troops. You can micro-manage each troop’s questing/rest time or, if that’s too much, wait a little longer and do 2-3 troops at once.

Setup notifications: how-to-notifications

How to exploit Sia #

I mean “utilitize” ;)

Sia team composition explanation

Boss quest icon #

Boss vs Regular quest icon. It’s brighter and glows yellow. Claim Boss first, if both are complete

LCoG boss icon difference

@TODO Need to update to new image.